A Revolution or a Resolution:
Revolution: a sudden, radical, or complete change.
Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.
Either or requires a personal commitment to accomplish YOUR desired goal(s). The word of God encourages us to declare and decree a thing so that it may be established. This involves a personal declaration of one’s own will to participate by committing to the positive change(s)desired.
Write down YOUR goal(s) and the positive steps YOU will take in order to accomplish YOUR goal(s). Declare and decree them daily and watch YOUR Revolution or YOUR Resolution come to pass!
Health is Wealth,
The Vita Fit Team
I decree this year that I will complete my weight loss goals and become a new version of myself Habakka 2:2 says write the vision and make it plain so he that reads it may run with it, tho it tarry wait for it, it shall surely come to pass.
I touch and agree with you!
Goals are declared and decreed!