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Happy February 2023!

It’s a heart matter♥️

February is widely known as the month we celebrate the spirit of love. It is also National Heart Health Month. It’s so amazing when you consider that the act of love starts in our heart (the emotional part of our being). Just as we respond to acts of love from our emotional being, we must also nurture our physical heart (the life-giver of our natural body). The emotional part of our being works in conjunction with our our physical heart. So, this month set aside a little time and evaluate the matters of the heart. Here are a few tips to support heart health:

1. Exercise for a minimum of 20-30 minutes a few days a week.

2. Eat a healthy diet! Eliminate or minimize fried foods, high fat foods and high sugar items.

3. Rest(get 7-8 hours of good sleep).

4. Minimize stress, anger  and anything that causes distress.

5. Meditate! Feast on some good old soul food(the Word of God).

6. Drink-up! Water helps to keep all systems of the body working properly. Strive to get in at least 64 oz a day.

Health is Wealth,

The VitaFit Team

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